Friday, July 15, 2011

Let's Do the Time Warp Again

While I'm not much of a Rocky Horror Picture Show fan, nor did I really like the endless film loop known as Groundhog Day, the idea of reliving parts of your life over and over, until you finally get it right appeals to me. Yet at some point in your life relentless replays can become exhausting, especially if you never seem to get that aspect of your life right.

As you've grown older/wiser/more mature, what have you gotten better at. Me? I think I've become a better parent--finding that balance between discipline and encouragement is easier with practice. However, I can't seem to figure out friendships--how to open myself to relationships outside my family circle.

I'd love to hear your stories/observations about personal growth and areas where it's the same thing over and over. We have one life to live, and the more help we get along the way, the better our chances for success.


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