Thursday, July 28, 2011

I'm feeling sick . . .

Could it be because . . .

. . . my tonsils are so swollen I can barely swallow.

. . . I ate Kentucky Fried Chicken yesterday (original recipe) for the first time in sixteen years. I also had some of the Colonel's mashed potatoes and gravy. ughh!

. . . the Tiger's blew a one-run game in Chicago last night.

. . . speaking of baseball, Isaac's last game of the season was cancelled. Why? Well rain of course.

. . . I just spent two hours scrubbing black mold off my basement walls. Nothing beats the smell of Clorox on your hands. Mmm.

. . . I have hampers of ironing to do and my diet pill is wearing off (extra points if you can name the movie).

Well, I just popped two Motrins and happy hour is minutes away.

Relief is in sight!

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